Friday, August 29


did my first gravel hundy on this bike. came across on old pic. s-house is enjoying her now, with a different kit.

Sunday, August 24

He asked for a bike ride

Mic is in town and asked for a good bike ride he (or turns out I) hadn't been on in a while. Since our ladies were busy entertaining themselves we had all day. Rather then waste a bunch of time on the car, we headed just west of the Peak to Peak and hit up a loop of trails high on technical goodness & big views. South St Vrain, Sourdough, Little Raven, Brainard Lake (and a beer), and then back down SSV for the finale.

Monday, August 18

Nearly 2 years and...

I'm on my wayu back to Nebraska for Labor Day Weekend. Staying at Mahoney with the family, so yes, I'm planning on a little Platte River action, and maybe whatever else. Anyone?

Saturday, August 16

Sheep Mountain ride. Lots o singletrack.

Trailhead. We shuttled sheep mountain recently. The are loop options from town that I will have to check out soon.

Dave G. Looking toward the rattlesnake wilderness. First time to the Sheep mountain Heli pad for both of us.

Rattlesnake creek looking North.

Tuesday, August 12


... found someone to help out with the bike work around here.

Sunday, August 10


Weekend getaway, Two hours up the road in the land of wide open spaces. Things look a lot different when I'm not up there riding the Enduro, and when there's hours of fresh cut IMBA designed singletrack to ride. Things look really good. Can't wait to get back.

It's not all brown.



Fun trails. Goes right through there.

A little something from close to home. And my home away from home.

Friday, August 8

Wednesday, August 6

Unheathy Attachment

Seems everyone has had a set of tires that aren't happy coming off or going on a paticular rim. Tire levers come and go, and that's why I dug a pair out of my bag - the garage set seem to have gone somewhere I can't find them. As I was working the old tires off the rim, I broke a lever. Bummer.

It wasn't just any tire lever, but one of the pair I've been carrying for a while now. The levers form the top of a plastic box to hold a patch kit. If you've watched me change a tire on the trail, you've seen these. Remember that race in Kearney, at the golf course, with the rainstorm? Way back then? I got these there, and have used them since.

I've used them for 14 years. Done now. Got to get some new ones.